Monday, January 2, 2017

- 2017: A New Year, A New Blog

After some pushing and massaging, my wife got me to start a blog; this blog:

I have been writing my thoughts and views as posts on Facebook for a long time but have resisted the idea of writing a book, so starting a blog seemed like a good compromise 😂.

I didn't want another job, I write to relax my mind and have some fun!


I had been afraid that formalising something I loved so much would create the burden of a chore and in the process risk taking away the one thing I treasure most - my words!

I had been afraid that the fun, creativity and randomness of my thoughts would all be taken away by literary criticism, cynicism and need for structure.

I had been afraid that my writings will not turn out to be good enough - the grammar, spellings, paragraphs and presentation.

Yet I realised that fear is not to be feared.

I realised the fact that I was imagining all these things which could go wrong meant I had the creativity in me to get started and keep going.

I don't know what you have been postponing.

Perhaps fear is playing a big part of it, but what could really go wrong and who really cares?

Those who care will be there to care and help you get it right, so go for it!

Those who do not care....well, why should you care about their negativity; afterall they don't care!

2017 is a new year, let's reclaim ownership of our lives and do the things we need to do to move forward.

You are ready for the step infront of you, TAKE IT.....I AM TAKING MINE!

©GC Diaries

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