Monday, January 30, 2017

Be Comfortable with Discomfort!!

Many of us think we need comfort,
And we are right.

But the kind of comfort we need,
Is now different from the one we aspire for.

Above all;
TODAY, we need to be comfortable with discomfort.

Everything around us changing,
Faster than we can say the word "CHANGE"

That makes us uncomfortable:

The work environment,
Persistently requires new skills.

The home environment,
Consistently requires renewed effort.

Relationships and healthy lifestyes,
They insist on consistent persistence.

Believe it or not,
Discomfort has become our way of life.

Our lives demand it,
What do we do?

Do we fight it?
Do we fly and run?

I have a better idea:

Why don't we turn the tables
And beat discomfort at its own game?

Let us all

Let's proactively seek our own discomfort:
- before new skills are required of us, let's learn them;
- before we get sick, let's start getting fit;
- before our kids grow older, let's bond with them;
- before our partner gets burnt out, let's leave the couch and step up;

When I play Basketball,
I know that it is the run without the ball that gets me the ball.

The anticipation that takes me out of my comfort,
Is what creates and attracts the opportunity.

Whatever is important to you;
Career, relationships and everything in between:

Wake up, show up and step-up,
The world has changed and is changing.

It's more competitive and more dynamic,
It's less patient and less forgiving.

Discomfort is the new currency of a dynamic word,
Seek it and exploit it!



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