Tuesday, January 3, 2017


The stone age did not end because we ran out of stones.

Today, we still have stones.

We didn't have to wait to run out of stones.

But with new ideas,
We found better ways of doing better things.
...when we still had stones!

Hunting and gathering did not end because we ran out of animals to hunt and plants to gather.

Today, we still have animals and plants.

We didn't have to wait to run out of animals and plants.

But with new ideas,
We found ways to breed them and farm.
...when we still had animals to hunt and plants to gather.

Nomadism did not end because we ran out of places to go.

Today, we still have places to go.

We did not have to wait to run out of places to go.

But with new ideas,
We found ways to settle at one place we call our own and visit.
...when we still had new places to go.

New ideas do not have to wait for the existing ones to end.
It is new ideas which come to replace existing ones
- Never stop thinking of a new idea.

New ways do not have to wait for existing ones to end.
It is the new ways which come to replace existing ones.
- Never stop developing a new way.

The introduction of new ideas and new ways.

You don't have to wait for your job to end,
Before you can learn a new skill.

You do not have to wait for your relationships to breakdown,
Before you can be more caring.

You do not have to wait for your children to disown you,
Before you can be a better parent.

You do not have to wait to be broke,
Before you can start a business.

You do not have to wait for a heart attack,
Before you can lose that weight and live a healthy lifestyle.

Change is certain,
What is not certain is when we change.

Look at yourself with new eyes,
See what you could be and make it happen.

Don't wait,
Change and Innovate.

It is never too early to change your ideas and ways,
Start doing better things, better.

Become a better you,

©GC Diaries


  1. Hello Grant, missed your scripts! Thanks for starting a blog and sharing. Its really essential that we innovate. Coca-Cola is one company that I have been watching over the years. Although their flagship product, Coke, has not changed for more than a century, they have managed to stay in the market because of innovation in their brand management. Their ads are eye-catching and they don't seem to rest when it comes to promotions etc. Thanks again for the heads up..

  2. Well put Grant. The future depends on innovation and constantly questioning the status quo, for better ways of doing things.

  3. Changing the way we do things and learning to do existing things in better ways seems to be a recurring theme for 2017. Well put GC
