Thursday, December 20, 2018

Chance is not a Sustainable Strategy, Change in Pursuit of Excellence is!
Earlier this week, I woke up early for some basketball workout. When I arrived at the courts, there was a young man already working on his shots and he was still at it when I left. It reminded me of my younger self.

In 1997 during my O-Levels, I was selected to the junior provincial team. It gave me a chance to represent my province at the national schools festival held at Watershed College. In addition, consideration to make it to the country's Schools Basketball team.

I have to be honest, that was just CHANCE. I don't believe I was good enough but age worked to my advantage. Being the younger one in my stream, I was 15yrs old when my streammates were 16yrs and 17yrs old. The junior team was an Under-16 team and that excluded a significant talent pool that was too old to be in the junior team and not good enough to be in the senior team. I was just at the right place, at the right time and at the right age!

I went home to Hwange for the holidays awaiting O-Level results and the beginning of A-Level. Behind our home was a Sports Pavilion with sporting facilities for Basketball, Soccer, Rugby and Cricket. This was my favourite hangout spot. Ball in hand, by myself most of the time, I woke up early to practice and braved the afternoon heat....every single day.  Just like the  young man I found at the court, those who found me there left me there. I loved the game and I wanted to be better. CHANCE had given me an opportunity but it was not a sustainable strategy...CHANGE towards EXCELLENCE is.

When I went for my A Levels, I was a much better player than when I left. I was in the Senior team at a new school and made it to the Provincial Senior Basketball Team...on merit. There was no age to help me out, just my performance on the court. I received basketball colours on my blazer, coached the girls team that had a record win rate and produced 5 stars for the provincial team.
CHANCE may give you a foot on the door sometimes, if you are lucky;  by all means if it presents itself, take it. Thus said, aim to work hard with consistency in pursuit of excellence towards your aspirations, because excellence eats chance for breakfast. Chance does not happen every day but every day is an opportunity to change for the better.

CHANCE is not a sustainable strategy, CHANGE in PURSUIT of EXCELLENCE IS!

©GC Diaries


  1. wow what a great piece Grant. and lol that pic......

  2. Prepare for that moment, when that moment arrives, pounce on it :) Good advice GC!
