Monday, January 30, 2017

Be Comfortable with Discomfort!!

Many of us think we need comfort,
And we are right.

But the kind of comfort we need,
Is now different from the one we aspire for.

Above all;
TODAY, we need to be comfortable with discomfort.

Everything around us changing,
Faster than we can say the word "CHANGE"

That makes us uncomfortable:

The work environment,
Persistently requires new skills.

The home environment,
Consistently requires renewed effort.

Relationships and healthy lifestyes,
They insist on consistent persistence.

Believe it or not,
Discomfort has become our way of life.

Our lives demand it,
What do we do?

Do we fight it?
Do we fly and run?

I have a better idea:

Why don't we turn the tables
And beat discomfort at its own game?

Let us all

Let's proactively seek our own discomfort:
- before new skills are required of us, let's learn them;
- before we get sick, let's start getting fit;
- before our kids grow older, let's bond with them;
- before our partner gets burnt out, let's leave the couch and step up;

When I play Basketball,
I know that it is the run without the ball that gets me the ball.

The anticipation that takes me out of my comfort,
Is what creates and attracts the opportunity.

Whatever is important to you;
Career, relationships and everything in between:

Wake up, show up and step-up,
The world has changed and is changing.

It's more competitive and more dynamic,
It's less patient and less forgiving.

Discomfort is the new currency of a dynamic word,
Seek it and exploit it!



Monday, January 23, 2017

"What is your name and how old are you?"

It was 1987 as my Grade 1 teacher asked me with a smile.

Identity and Age - why these 2?

I could understand why my identity was important,
For them to identify and for me to be identified.

But Age??

Age is a measure of the time we have existed.
It rationalises our achievements to a common standard.

We all have 24-h"ours" in a day but what we do with it,
Mostly remains "our" choice.

All the things we do, require time.

Time is therefore a fundamental ingredient for all our endeavors,
Hence our existence is measured against it.

It is a measure of our choices.

Therefore if you choose to do something,
Make time for it.

This is the first step of showing up.

Exercising....needs time.
Relationships....need time.
Praying....needs time.
Work...needs time.
Learning needs time.

Often, we list things we want to do
But neglect to allocate time for them.

Resolutions do not mean anything,
 If we do not allocate time to the things you must do!

Success or failure is first and foremost a result of what we consistently do with our time.

Show me how you use your time,
I will tell you your potential outcome.

Note that the word "potential" here refers to the limit of what you can achieve.

The first step to changing your outcomes is changing what you do with your time.

"What is your name and how old are you?"

Yet as adults, a silent question always follow:


(- watch TV, really??)


Saturday, January 14, 2017

In my last blog post, I shared my views on how human beings have a natural propensity to grow, progress and aspire to the next level (Ref 1a). We all want to grow but sometimes we don't or the cost is too high.

In yet another post, I challenged us to challenge the standards we live by and used the example of a 330ml Can of Coke to illustrate how we can set new standards and achieve success on our own terms. The road to achievement is full of hardwork and pain that can only be overcomed by those who really believe in the goal (Ref 1b).

But what if we cannot see the growth opportunities in front of us?

What if we have done so well that we just do not know how to grow and to where?

What if the  borrowed standards we have been living by are so deep rooted that by our own vices, we feel disempowered to challenge them?

Are there any tools or framework that can help us embark on this journey of meaningful growth even where we feel we have limited growth opportunities?

Under Jack Welch, General Electric (GE) revisited its vision and sought to be either number 1 or 2 in every industry they operated in. They fixed, sold and closed business which were not in line with this vision but sooner or later, a side-effect would emerge: GE was dominating most of the industries it operated in and IT BECAME EXTREMELY DIFFICULT TO GROW!!

To generate growth, they first had to see it in their mind; thus thinking differently was a requirement.

In his book, "Jack: Straight From the Gut", Jack Welch recalls asking his executives to re-define each of the industries they operated in, such that their current market shares were below 10%.


One of the most resilent people you can come across are the US Navy Seals. These are human beings trained to do the impossible and often, they do it.

In trying to understand the special breed of people, Jesse Itzler traced a retired Navy Seal and asked to stay with him for a month (Ref 2a). The result was a lesson on the 40% rule. It turns out that the Navy Seals are trained to believe that when you say you have reached your ultimate truth, you have reached only 40% of your ability.


You and I need to do the same. We need to redefine our boundaries and think differently about the status quo.

What we have achieved financially, is just 10%.
- if you aimed to be South African Rand millionaire, redefine the currency and aim to be a US$ millionaire.

What we have achieved in our careers is just 10%:
- if you are a CEO of a national company, redefine the geography and aim to be a CEO of a regional company.

What we have achieved in our businesses is just 10%:
- if you are a Cookie business supplying the 10km radius around you, redefine your status quo and reach out a 100km radius.

What we have achieved in our families and relationships is just 10%:
- if you call your wife once during the day and play sports with your kids once every quarter, redefine the situation and do 10 times more.

What you have achieved in our studies, health and spiritual life is just 10%:
- we can do more.

Like the US Navy Seals, we can do much more than we think we can. But first, we need to see things differently....think differently!

The big fish in a small pond is ready to jump into the sea.


©GC Diaries

1a -

1b -

2a -

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

- Not all progress works to improve us!

There is something in us,
That yearns for progress.

It is the nature of mankind;
To want to grow.

It is engraved right in our DNA ;
To aspire towards the next level.

Society encourages it.
In fact, it expects it...applauds it and rewards it.

With good intentions,
Progress becomes a drug that we are prescribed at birth.

Just as you start to crawl; we want you to run.
Just as you start to learn, we want you to earn.

Year after year,
We set solutions and resolutions for progress.

Before we know it, we are all obesseed and hooked;
Doctor and patient alike.

Like addicts, we pursue it with all we have got;
By all means and at all costs.

This is the world we are born into;
A world that demands and measures progress.

A world that has not only made progress measurable;
But has made progress a measure of existence.

Yet if we are smart, we need to sober up:
Not all progress works to improve us!


The wise before us spoke;
"There is no progress without sacrifice"

If you see yourself progressing,
Take a moment away from the cheers & ask:
"What am I sacrificing for this progress?"

Are you sacrificing your values, time with family, sleep and rest or long term career?

Is it worthy it and am I okay with it?

For who you are becoming is much more important than what you are having or acquiring.

Always remember;
Be brave and count the cost.

Not all progress works to improve us!

©GC Diaries

Friday, January 6, 2017

- Achieve Success on Your Own Terms

There are so many things in life today which we have accepted as the way things are, the norm and standards of sorts.

These things are just there and we no longer question them yet they determine the very rules we play our game of life.

Actually, we may have never questioned them:
- the size of a basketball?
- the length of a football pitch?
- the width of a single bed?
- the height of a door
- the dimensions of a 330ml can of Coke?

But what if we ask WHY?

In fact, I took some time to think about the dimensions of a 330ml can of Coke.

It is a cylinder with a diameter of 6cm and a height of 12cm.

The biggest cost in packaging this Can must be the aluminium sheet and it would make sense that the Surface Area to Volume ratio be minimised in order to carry the most content at least material.

A sphere would be the optimum shape but would be difficult to store, carry and hold in your hand as you drink.

Other shapes must have been considered before settling for a cylinder.

Mathematically, we can show that the least surface area to volume ratio of a cylinder is achieved when the height of the Can is exactly the same as the diameter of it's base - see calculation in first comment underneath.

So why did Coca Cola opted for a can with a height which is twice that of the base?

Some would say the adopted dimensions give a better visual effect, thus they had to trade off the engineering benefits for something they believed was equally important in driving the sale....and a standard was set; to be strictly adhered to in their pursuit of success.

As we live our lives, we adhere to some standards, things which are just there - norms we have just accepted, sometimes without even noticing.

We  do not question them anymore, our task is to comply.

Our goals, aspirations, trade-offs and how we pursue them are shaped by these unwritten laws.

But what if today, we ask why?

What if today, we decide to rebalance our lives and adjust the tradeoffs according to what holds meaning to us?

What if today, we choose to redefine our goals and how we pursue them?

What if we set a new standard - a standard we can answer why it exists with conviction and one we can strictly adhere to while we believe in it.

Maybe some of our limited progress, limited excitement and enjoyment in life is because we are trying so hard to adhere to a standard:
- we never set
- we do not fully understand
- we do not believe in
- we are not committed to

Ask why and set your own standard for:
- your relationships
- your career
- your finances
- your health
- your beliefs

Let's achieve success on our own terms.

Even as you adhere to these, let's
 keep asking why.

In fact, Coca Cola later launched a 250ml Can.


©GC Diaries

Tuesday, January 3, 2017


The stone age did not end because we ran out of stones.

Today, we still have stones.

We didn't have to wait to run out of stones.

But with new ideas,
We found better ways of doing better things.
...when we still had stones!

Hunting and gathering did not end because we ran out of animals to hunt and plants to gather.

Today, we still have animals and plants.

We didn't have to wait to run out of animals and plants.

But with new ideas,
We found ways to breed them and farm.
...when we still had animals to hunt and plants to gather.

Nomadism did not end because we ran out of places to go.

Today, we still have places to go.

We did not have to wait to run out of places to go.

But with new ideas,
We found ways to settle at one place we call our own and visit.
...when we still had new places to go.

New ideas do not have to wait for the existing ones to end.
It is new ideas which come to replace existing ones
- Never stop thinking of a new idea.

New ways do not have to wait for existing ones to end.
It is the new ways which come to replace existing ones.
- Never stop developing a new way.

The introduction of new ideas and new ways.

You don't have to wait for your job to end,
Before you can learn a new skill.

You do not have to wait for your relationships to breakdown,
Before you can be more caring.

You do not have to wait for your children to disown you,
Before you can be a better parent.

You do not have to wait to be broke,
Before you can start a business.

You do not have to wait for a heart attack,
Before you can lose that weight and live a healthy lifestyle.

Change is certain,
What is not certain is when we change.

Look at yourself with new eyes,
See what you could be and make it happen.

Don't wait,
Change and Innovate.

It is never too early to change your ideas and ways,
Start doing better things, better.

Become a better you,

©GC Diaries

Monday, January 2, 2017

- 2017: A New Year, A New Blog

After some pushing and massaging, my wife got me to start a blog; this blog:

I have been writing my thoughts and views as posts on Facebook for a long time but have resisted the idea of writing a book, so starting a blog seemed like a good compromise 😂.

I didn't want another job, I write to relax my mind and have some fun!


I had been afraid that formalising something I loved so much would create the burden of a chore and in the process risk taking away the one thing I treasure most - my words!

I had been afraid that the fun, creativity and randomness of my thoughts would all be taken away by literary criticism, cynicism and need for structure.

I had been afraid that my writings will not turn out to be good enough - the grammar, spellings, paragraphs and presentation.

Yet I realised that fear is not to be feared.

I realised the fact that I was imagining all these things which could go wrong meant I had the creativity in me to get started and keep going.

I don't know what you have been postponing.

Perhaps fear is playing a big part of it, but what could really go wrong and who really cares?

Those who care will be there to care and help you get it right, so go for it!

Those who do not care....well, why should you care about their negativity; afterall they don't care!

2017 is a new year, let's reclaim ownership of our lives and do the things we need to do to move forward.

You are ready for the step infront of you, TAKE IT.....I AM TAKING MINE!

©GC Diaries
9 YEARS OF MARRIAGE (22/12/2016)
 Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing, wedding and outdoor
If you ask me if I am Happily Married,
I will happily say YES!
Not because I am happy all the time.

If you ask me if I have a Perfect Marriage,
I will perfectly say YES!
Not because its perfect all the time.

I have learnt something in the 9 years:

It creates a perfect relationship out of imperfect people.
Perfection therefore, is not a matter of ingredients.

It is not the absence of faults, challenges and shortcomings.
It is the presence of LOVE.

LOVE itself is not one thing.
But many things in One.

In fact, all things in One.
LOVE is Everything.

Yet, its IMPOSSIBLE to get Everything Right;

Enabling us to sincerely say to each other these "un-human like" phrases:
- I am sorry.
- I forgive you.
- It is okay.
- I understand you.
- I know you are trying.
- Things will get better.
- We can fix this.
- Hold my hand.
- How do you want me to help you.
- Let's talk about it.
- I will walk with you.
- You look tired, go and rest - I will put the kids to bed.
- Let's pray about it.
- Please stop judging yourself, I am not judging you.
- I am happy for you.
- I am proud of you.

Give & never stop giving, of yourself.
Try & never stop trying, your best.
Pray & never stop praying, for your marriage.

My name is Grant.
And today is our 9th Wedding Anniversary.
I am living the Miracle,

Tino Kudzaishe.

©GC Diaries
Making Resolutions Work!

As the we come to the end of 2016 and plan for 2017, find below my approach to resolutions in case you may find it interesting.

My aim is try and live a balanced life. I have identified the most important areas of my life (Spirit, Family & Relationships, Finances, Career and Health).

For each of these, I create  up to 3 key objectives (Critical Success Factors) and for each of the key objectives, I operationalise them by identifying up to 3 things which I need to do daily to make progress on each objectives and then DO THEM....thus creating a daily routine around these things.

I wish for you life and continued success in the areas that matter most to you in 2017.

All the best.
©GC Diaries

So many are the plans in a man's heart,
But it is God's purpose that prevails.
(Proverbs 19v21)

We planned for many things in 2016.
Some of these, we achieved;
Yet others we continue to work on.

Its OK!
His purpose has prevailed
And its better than our best plans.

Whichever way things went,
If you are reading this, you ought to celebrate;

You are alive: dream again. plan again. try again. build bridges again. make good on your word again. give another shot at life again.

This is the stuff only people who are alive do!

Weight can still be lost.
Money can still be made.
Careers can still take off.
Relationships can still mend.
Spiritually, we can still grow.

The first pre-requisite is for you to be alive.

It is God's will that you be alive today,
Let's be grateful and celebrate.
Let's do stuff only people who are alive do.
Let's LIVE and Try Again!

©GC Diaries