You Have A Fair Chance To Make It!
- ©GC DiariesThere is a reason;
Why a year has twelve months.
There is a reason;
Why a month has four weeks.
There is a reason;
Why a week has seven days.
There is a reason;
Why a day has twenty fours hours.
It is to give you a fair chance to make it.
There is a reason;
Why the NBA playoffs has seven games.
There is a reason;
Why the Boxing match has twelve rounds.
There is a reason;
Why a Tennis game has five sets.
There is a reason;
Why a Soccer season has 38 games for each team (EPL)
It is to give the teams, a fair chance to make it.
There is a reason;
Why the tree has many branches and leaves.
There is a reason;
Why many rivers lead to the sea.
There is a reason;
Why the rainbow has many colours.
There is a reason;
Why the sky has many stars.
It is to give them a fair chance to be beautiful.
One day,
Life will give you a good strong punch.
It will hurt.
But remember, you have six more days.
You can still bounce back within the week.
One game,
You will go down and feel like a loser.
It will hurt.
But remember, you have six more playoff games.
You can still win the championship.
One night,
You will look up in despair and see only darkness.
It will hurt.
But remember, the big star will rise at dawn.
You can still rise up and finish strong.
Everything in life is designed;
To give you a fair chance to make it.
Don't blow it.
Don't be blown by it.
Use it,
To Make It!
©GC Diaries